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teckies.tutor / DOS

Basic Guide to DOS Basic Guide to DOS
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Features & restrictions

One interesting feature in DOS is being case "insensitive"
If you used Unix (which is a very powerful operating system), you
will understand what I mean. For Unix a directory called "folder" is
different from another called "Folder", this makes Unix Case Sensitive.
DOS doesn't care whether you type DIR folder or dIr fOlDeR
because they are the same.
You can even begin a DOS commands wherever you like. For instance you can type the following:

C:\WINDOWS\Desktop>      dir myfolder

and still get a listing of directory content.

Although DIR lets you display directory content it is also suitable
for File investigation. To investigate a file called myfile simply type
"dir myfile" and you will get details about the file such as size, date
of creation...

MYFILE TXT 4.400 25/04/00 11:27a myfile.txt

One annoying thing about DOS is that it's restricted to 8 characters,
a filename cannot go beyond 8 chars.
A file called "onelengthyfile.txt" will be cut to "onelen~1.txt"
Although you can still type the long file name while at the Prompt
you should use the short name in case you restarted in MS-DOS mode.

Another restriction is spacing: DOS doesn't support space entries,
so if you type "a file with space.txt" it will be ignored.

Windows doesn't have any problem with spacing, for instance if you created a file called "a file with space.txt" inside Windows, DOS will
see it "afilew~1.txt".
If you still want to space your words in DOS use the underscore character "_".

I am sure sometimes you will mistype a command or a filename,
so don't be shocked if you get "Bad command or file name" which means that DOS didn't find any command of file name matching
your request.

Until now we've learned how to list our files with DIR, navigate directories with CD and clear the screen when we're done with CLS

Now it's time to play with some DOS commands

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Basic Guide to DOS