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teckies.tutor / Windows98

Windows98 Windows98
All about icons and extensions

If you are familiar with DOS, I am sure you remember extensions
e.g .bat .txt .doc
Every FILE and FOLDER has a name, you can see it at the bottom of the icon e.g My Computer, My Documents.
Files are a little bit different from FOLDERS they have something
called an extension.
The extension is just 3 letters at the end of the filename used to identify the file.
Text files have a .txt (means text) extension, some images might
have a .bmp extension which stands for bitmap.

Normally you cannot see the extension from Windows, you need
to right-click - press the right button of your mouse - on the file icon, select PROPERTIES from the menu, read the name besides "MS DOS Name" you will something like filename.txt
The extension helps Windows decide which application to use to open a file.
When you double-click a file, Windows looks at the extension
e.g if the file has a .txt extension it will use NOTEPAD (a program in Windows used to write/read text files.)
Windows FolderThe Computer universe is FILES and FOLDERs, just double-click a FOLDER/File to open it.
Double-click on My Document and see what's inside, the same applies for
My Computer.

For the mean time don't mess with anything in WINDOWS folder, this folder is very crucial, it contains everything that makes WINDOWS, this is a sacred place for now.
If you try to open it, Windows displays a warning.

Now you know what's the main difference between files and Folders:
FOLDERS contains Files, a file contains only data like text, image, sound. A file CANNOT contain a FOLDER.
Think of a folder as a container: it holds your files.
Imagine what could have happened without folders, all the files
"mixed" together, a real chaos.

If you understood the meaning of extensions, well icons are a cool way of picturing the extensions that refer to file types.
Back in DOS one could know the file type by checking the extension.
With Windows you can know a lot about the file just by looking at it.

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