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teckies.tutor / Windows98

Windows98 Windows98
Click and Double-click

To profit from those folders and files, you have to learn two basic moves the CLICK and the DOUBLE-CLICK (2-click)

Mouse PointerCLICK
You have two types of clicks: right-click and left-click, we will simply call the left-click a click. Click (left-click) means select the file or Folder, the item becomes highlighted - turns blue.
The right-click has many serious application.

Right-click on a FOLDER
Try to right-click on a folder, you will see the following list.

OPEN: has the same effect as double-click, open a file/folderRight-Click menu
EXPLORER: This will display a TREE, opens a two panes window: the folder at the left (with the other folders) and its content displayed at the right.
FIND: a command you will use to FIND things on your computer
SEND TO: used to send items to a location like Floppy...
CUT: the first step in moving, cut a file or folder from its location, the item gets a little fade.
COPY: used to make copies of a File/Folder
Create Shortcut: gives you fast access to a "distant" folder.
Delete: use this one if you want to get rid of a file you created, Windows will send it to the Recycle bin
Rename: If you want to change the name of a file (you've created)
just Rename it.
Properties: displays the properties of  the selected item (folder, file)
you will get info about the file/folder e.g name, location, extension (only for files), size, when it was created (date and time).

You might have other commands in the list like PRINT if you're
checking the PROPERTIES of a text file.

The most common is the 2-click, to see what's inside My Documents folder you have to double-click on its icon using the left button of your mouse. The mouse made computing very easy, all you need to do is move your mouse and press a button.
In Windows double-clicking on something means you want to execute/run or open.
If you 2-click on the FOLDER's icon, the folder will open and reveal its content.Mouse
if you 2-click on a FILE icon, the file will open and you will "see" the data inside.
When you 2-click on a file, Windows calls its application to open.
An application is the software used to open the file, so you can see what's inside - what info it holds. Clicking on a textfile will call the application NOTEPAD (a program used for writing...)

A File holds data/information, the application is the key to open the file and read its content. There are tons of file types e.g text file, image file, a sound file...

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