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Top Eight Mistakes in Web Site Design
by Vix! October 05, 2000

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Site maintenance is an on-going process. It starts with adding your URL address to Search engines,
and ends by updating your site information.

The following tips help you create an enjoyable site to all your visitors:

Try Not to Use Frames

Many web designers think that frames are the answer to all their navigation needs. While providing
some help in one area, they have other disadvantages.

Frames can be helpful as a table of contents. In other words, while being somewhere deep inside your site, the visitor can go many steps back in one frame simply by clicking on a link inside another frame. This will speed up the process and will help get a clear map of your site. On the other hand, your visitors cannot bookmark a certain page, nor can you track where they are going.
Another common disadvantage is that old browsers do not support frames and this may cause your visitors a lot of trouble.

Don't Make Your Site the Newest Web Technology Exposition

Before using new technology in your site, take into consideration that most of your visitors may not have the newest browser that supports it. In such cases, it would be nice to provide multiple pages with different levels of technology, and allow the visitors to choose which page to visit. Otherwise, you may lose them forever.

Avoid Complex URLs

Users have to type the URL in the location area, so avoid long URL names. Try to make your site map as clear as possible by choosing appropriate URL names that are meaningful and easy to remember. Using lowercase letters uniquely in all your names will make URLs easier to memorize.

Remove Outdated Information

The most appealing aspect of the Web is that information can change rapidly and sometimes dynamically. One of the most frustrating things for a visitor is when a site has not been recently updated. Updating your site regularly is well worth the time spent.

Provide a Site Map

If you have a very big web site provide a map for it. Often sites are created on the Web without a clear sense of how all the pages connect together. This lack of clarity will decrease the number of visitors day after day. Having the Site Map available would make it easier for the visitors to know where they are and where they are going.

Avoid Non Standard Link Colors

One of the few stable properties among all Web Browsers, is that links to unvisited pages are blue; links to previously visited pages are purple or red; and active links are red. Changing these colors may lead to confusion. Before changing them, make sure you have a good reason.

Avoid Long Load Times

Until all sites load in an acceptable time (which is less than 30 seconds in general), this will continue to be the largest problem facing the Web. People simply are not willing to wait more than 30 seconds for a site to load before they move on to the next one. One good solution for such a case is to use small-sized pictures, and only when needed.

Maintain A4 paper size in your web page

Many web pages are, when printed, larger than an A4 paper. This will cause dramatic errors since some text won't fit on the paper. Thus, when designing your page, make sure you take appropriate layout measures.

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